An aficionado for User Experience, with experience in leading product development for high conversion applications.

  • [email protected]
  • December, 1980 - Brazil
  • Lynchburg, VA USA
  • Married
  • Employed


  • CEO2018 - present

    OPUS ui
    • Founded and running a software development company focused on high conversion software for educational institutions.
  • Director2016 - 2018

    Software Development
    • Responsible 105 employees and a budget of over $5M.
  • Program Manager2011 - 2016

    Web, UX and Mobile
    • Responsible for the User Experience (UX & UI) of over 60 products, including over 30 website templates, 30 conversion focused landing pages, and multiple web applications through their entire life cycle.
    • Managed 3 distinct development and UI teams (Mobile, Portal and Creative Media) supervising 3 project managers over 30 employees.
    • Launched multiple products including Mobile Applications, Portal, Interactive Map, Dynamic Global Header, Online Application and others.
  • Creative Media Manager2009 - 2011

    UX, UI, SEO and Web
    • Managed a team of 20 employees distributed in 3 groups of Developers, Designers and Web Content Specialists.
    • Started Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns that resulted in an increase of over 200,000 organic visits per year across Liberty University sites.
    • Revamped applications such as Financial Check-In, Microsites, and Online Applications, increasing conversion rates by an average of 5% resulting in a net revenue of $20 million dollars.
  • Data Management Director2006 - 2009

    • Responsible millions of data records and producing data analytics reporting, data mining and dashboard to executive administration.
    • Managed a team of 18 employees subdivided in 3 teams: Data Analysts, Web development and Data Entry
    • Developed and supported vastly different infrastructure and application environments such as Donation Systems, Customer Relationship Management and Project Management software.
  • Tech Support and Network Admin2005 - 2005

    • Improved reliability and performance of multiple windows system by reconfiguring problematic installations.
    • Developed new access systems allowing users to be granted different level of access based on user groups.
    • Revamped CRM system improving Call Center performance and productivity by 23%.


  • Masters in Business Administration2014 - 2016

    Liberty University
  • Certified Scrum Product Owner - CSPOSince 2012

    ScrumAlliance ®
  • Certified Associate in Project Management - CAPMSince 2011

    Project Management Institute • PMI ®
  • Certified ScrumMaster - CSMSince 2011

    ScrumAlliance ®
  • Bachelor in Computer Science2000 - 2005

    Liberty University

Management Skills

  • Director

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

  • Team Leadership

  • Agile Methodology

  • Data Management

  • IT Management

User Experience (UX) Skills

  • Usability and Testing

  • Interface & Layout

  • Accessibility

  • UI Programming

  • UI Design

Programming Skills

  • PHP

  • Javascript

  • HTML5, CSS3

  • Coldfusion

  • Java

  • Python

  • Objective C, C++, C#

Interpersonal Skills

  • Communication

  • Problem Solving

  • Decision Making

  • Listening

  • Assertiveness

Language Proficiency

  • English

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

Contact info

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